
it's something ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Journal de la semaine #2045

February 17, 2025 — Cédric Dekimpe

J'écoute Goldman de Ivan Jablonka en ce moment, ce qui m'a inspiré l'idée de recommencer ce format en français. Dans le livre, l'auteur parle du moment où Jean-Jacques Goldman, alors impliqué dans Taï Phong, fini par se rendre compte et accepter qu'il est possible d'écrire et d'interprêter des chansons en français.


J'ai terminé l'écoute de Running Man de Stephen King. Je l'avais lu quand j'était ado et j'en avais gardé un très bon souvenir. J'aime particulièrement la narration de Nicolas Djermag, et la description des deux ou trois derniers chapitres m'a donné des frissons.

J'ai tenté la lecture du 5ème règne de Maxime Chattam mais je n'ai pas su accrocher. J'ai abandonné après 50 pages.

J'ai commencé la lecture de Terrain accidenté, de Val McDermid


Spotify me frustre de plus en plus. J'ai tenté de m'en débarrasser au profit d'une solution auto-hébergée basée sur Lidarr et Navidrome mais j'ai fini par abandonner pour deux raisons : j'aime beaucoup l'interface de Spotify ainsi que les playlists auto-générées.

J'ai tiré deux conclusions de cette expérience

  1. Je n'écoute plus assez d'album. Je me contente généralement de lancer une playlist et j'écoute ce qui vient comme ça vient. Retrospectivement je trouve ça dommage. Les artistes décident généralement de proposer leurs chansons dans un certain ordre, ils présentent une oeuvre complète, et j'ai l'impression de passer à côté du message en écoutant des titres variés dans un ordre chaotique.

  2. Mes chansons préférées se perdent au fil du temps. J'ai récemment ré-entendu une chanson que je faisais tourner en boucle il y a quelques années, ce qui m'a fait me demander pourquoi elle avait soudain disparu de mes playlists. J'ai lu pas mal d'article qui accusent Spotify de ne pas mettre assez d'aléatoire dans leurs playlists aléatoires et j'ai décidé de prendre les choses en main.

J'ai trouvé spotlistr] dont je me suis servi pour créer des playlists de mes 100 titres les plus écoutés par années en utilisant mon compte LastFM comme source. J'ai créé une playlist par année entre 2006 et 2024, puis j'ai rassemblé toutes ces listes en une seule.

Je me retrouve avec une playlist de plus de 1000 chansons qui font parties de celle que j'ai le plus écouté au cours des 15 dernières années, n'en déplaisent aux algorithmes de Spotify.

En vrac en ligne

Tags: weeklog

Weeklog #2037

December 16, 2024 — Cédric Dekimpe


We celebrated Noah's birthday on Tuesday, we had pizza and ribs and watched Moana on Disney+.

On Saturday we visited Trier's Christmas market - maybe I'm becoming an old bear but 25+€ for 2 cappuccinos and 3 hot cocoa felt like a rip off.

On Sunday Noah attended his first table tennis competition.


I've finished The Green Line audiobook (in French) and I enjoyed every moment of it.

I've started listening to Bien sûr que les poissons ont froid by Fanny Ruwet. I've read the book a year ago and it was one of my best read of 2023. The book is read by the author herself.

I wish I would be able to focus on something long enough to know what I think about it

I don't think I feel any emotion strongly enough to be able to describe it.


I'm rediscovering newsboat thanks to Nico's post, and I'm happy to see that it seems to integrate very well with Miniflux, which I self-host.

I'll have a second look at it - I don't remember why I gave up on it, maybe I just forgot it existed - but I will need to find a way to integrate it with LinkWarden somehow.

Pro-tip, don't set reload-threads 100 if you self-host on a small VPS, it will kill your server -_-"

Tags: weeklog, rss, selfhost, reading

Weeklog #2036

December 09, 2024 — Cédric Dekimpe


I've started to work again on an old project of mine : the wall framed e-calendar. It's not framed yet, and certainly not on the wall, but I've started playing around with the ESP32 and the e-ink waveshare screen that I have sitting there for at least 2 years

Comics and Books

No comic book this time, but we've finished the reading of Charles 1943 with the kids. Aidan definitely didn't find it interesting whatsoever, he was mainly drawing on his desk or looking at another book while I was reading it to his elder brother, but Noah did enjoy the story.

We went to the public library on Saturday and we chose Coup de foudre by Nicolas Ancion. I've read one of his book when I was a teenager and his name caught my attention.

Interesting things online

Tags: weeklog, reading, ESP32

Weeklog #2035

December 02, 2024 — Cédric Dekimpe


Noah had a kung-fu practice with a teacher coming for the main school in Brussels this Saturday - he did great and was proud of himself after the two trainings he had.

Saint-Nicolas was this Sunday - The kids received a lot of books, Lego, toys and chocolate. I try to make as much memories of those sweet days while they are little, time goes by so fast.


I've started to try LinkWarden along with Floccus to manage my bookmarks and overcome my fear of the link rot (see weeklog #2033 for context)

I've decided to host in on miaw.be at least for now, the only problem being that the Docker version has a known problem that prevent to preserve a local version of the links - which I guess goes against my purpose here - but there's an open PR that solves it, hopefully it will be merged soon.

On another topic, at work this week, I needed to merge two CSV files based on one column. Being a Ruby developer, I started to quickly write some code to handle that, but the time to process the files (which are both in the 100000+ lines) was taking forever. I ended up writing a bash script based on join, cat, tail and sort that is barely taking 1 second to complete. It's unlikely that it would serve anyone in the future, but for the beauty of it, here goes :

sh join -t, -a1 -a2 -o 1.2,1.5,1.4,2.2,2.4,2.14,2.15 -1 4 -2 2 -e "NULL" --header <(cat $1 | tail -n +2 | sort -t, -k4,4) <(cat $2 | tail -n +2 | sort -t, -k2,2) > $3

Comics and Books

  • Thorgal #42, Özurr le Varègue - it's meh. The story in itself is OK, but the writer seem to feel like he has to give context in the dialogues, which makes the conversation between the characters very unlikely. The drawnings are really impressive though, I really liked them.
  • Finished Salem's Lot - It was a long one, I started the book 6 weeks ago and I was struggling to find the motivation to read it. In the end it seems like nothing really happened and the story goes exactly where I was expecting, which is a bit disappointing.
  • Started and finished reading Eviter les péages, by Jérôme Colin - This one, on the other hand, I couldn't let go off. I finished it in 2 days. This book moved me, a bit like the other 2 novels of Jérôme Colin that I read already.

Interesting readings online

Tags: weeklog, comics, bash, ruby, dad-life

Weeklog #2034

November 24, 2024 — Cédric Dekimpe

This week has been uneventful, with the noticeable exception of my birthday that happened this Friday.

I realized that I love being a beginner at something - The excitement of discovering a new topic and the depth of what I don't know about something is intoxicating. I love challenging myself and finding solution to a problem, but I quickly loose interest when it's done. I had that kind of experience with 3D printing (my Prusa is waiting to be repaired for month now), with sewing (I sewed a few hoodies for me and the boys, now the sewing machine gathers dust), with woodworking, and so many other topics.


I wrote a fun little script to extract data from my BDGest Collection and build HTML pages out of it

I scratched my own itch here : me and my 2 sons have our own collection of (Belgian) comic books - and it happens every so often that I'm asked what album or what series either one of my son is missing.

Since BDGest doesn't provide a way to publicly share one's collection, but does provide with a CSV export, I wrote two script to :

  1. Automatically export my collections in CSV files (essentially a web scraper coded in Ruby)
  2. A bash script that parses the CSV files and build an HTML page out of it

Now I have a handy link to share with family and friends when they ask what gift would make my boys happy.

Music and Movies

Good things Go, Linkin Park

I've watched Flubber with the kids - they loved it. It's funny how Weebo's video reaction made me think of animated gifs before they were a thing


I had an extra kung-fu class on Sunday. We studied the first Po Chi, in it's lu and tao form (Po Chi Ti I Lu and Po Chi Ti I Tao)

Interesting readings online

Tags: weeklog

Weeklog #2033

November 17, 2024 — Cédric Dekimpe

Don't look for the first 2032 weeklogs, there are nowhere to be found.

In my recent nostalgia-based research of small web capsules, I've stumbled upon a blog where the author posts weekly updates : movies he watched, things he's done, updates on his project, all that kind of stuff.

I've decided that I would give it a try, but there's a chance that weeklog #2034 will never be published. Oh well ¯\(ツ)

Anyways, this week I've been increasingly worried about loosing track of what I want to read, learn, or do. I've been searching and testing multiple bookmark / archive tools such as ArchiveBox or LinkWarden, but none of them stuck :

  • ArchiveBox seems like a heavy machine, it misses a quick way to add links through a browser extension, and it lacks integration with my Miniflux instance;
  • LinkWarden I only tested it locally for now, because for some reason my Internet Access Provider decided that from now on, ports 80/443 should be activated only through their online portal which I don't have access to right now. This wouldn't be a problem since I access my homelab exclusively through my VPN, but I can't set up the SSL certificate with Let's Encrypt without opening them. Also not a fan of the UI.
  • LinkAce : Not tested yet
  • LinkDing (Good luck with having a good SEO with this name, LinkedIn hijacks the top page every time I try to find it, plus it's hard to pronounce) : Not tested yet

I'm still on the fence when it come to hosting : I'm not sure if I want this tool hosted on miaw.be or if I want to keep it private behind my VPN. If i host it publicly, I could use it to future-proof the link that I share on this blog by sharing both the original resource and the archive version.

What I do want is a tool that :

  • Allows me to centralize my bookmarks
  • Save a local copy to prevent link rot
  • Has a browser extension
  • Integrates with Miniflux

Books and movies

  • I started to listen to the Green Mile (La ligne verte) audiobook in French - I've read the novel years ago and I really loved it. The fact that the french version is being read by the actor that usually dub Tom Hanks voice is the cherry on the top.
  • I'm still reading Salem's Lot by Stephen King (in French, too). I've started it weeks ago and while I want to finish it I'm struggling to connect with the story for some reason.
  • I'm re-watching season 1 of Outlander


  • I've learn how to use spell checking with LazyVim : z= to the rescue
  • I've completely dyed the cabinet I'm working on (more on that later) - I'm not 100% convinced, but we'll see

Tags: weeklog